A Little About Us and the Course Raffle
Hey there! My name is Jeff and this is my family. My wife and I have four kids and live in Columbia, SC. I picked up golf a few years ago and quickly got into sim golf, learning to design courses on TGC before moving to GSPro.
My wife and I knew we wanted to adopt from early on in our relationship. That dream came true in 2016 when we adopted our youngest girl. Recently we have also felt the call to foster young children who are in need of a family to belong to for a period of time while their parents work to rehabilitate. We currently have two small boys aged 2 in our home that we care for as well. Caring for orphans and children in need has been an important part of our journey!
Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption
The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption is a national, nonprofit public charity dedicated to finding forever families for the more than 140,000 children waiting to be adopted from foster care in the United States and Canada.
Their core beliefs:
1. Every child deserves a safe, loving and permanent family.
2. No child should linger in foster care or leave the system without a permanent family.
3. Every child is adoptable.​
Contact me to see if I can build you a custom golf course for GSPro or for questions!
JPruitt10 Course Design (Jeff Pruitt)